Client Business Questionnaire – Saba SEO

SABA’s Client Business Questionnaire

Tell us your name *
Enter your email *
Enter your phone *
Client Business Profile Questionnaire
Name of Business *
Business URL *
How long have you been in business?
What products and/or services do you offer and the price and what is your profit margin?
Who is your ideal client/customer?
Who do you consider to be your top competitors?
What three features make you different and/or better than your top competitors?
What methods are you currently using to market your business?
Have you created an on-line marketing budget?
Your website is composed of?
What platform is your website built on?
Are you currently and/or have you in the past done any SEO activities?
Can you share your Google Analytics with us?
Have you created any PPC (Google Ad Words, Bing, Display Ads, etc.) ? if so explain:
Can you share your Google Ads with us?
Have you created any Social Media Ads?
Have you had a bad experience with a marketing company? What happened?
Please list your top five keywords you would like to rank for.
Your average/estimated gross revenue for 2019?
Your monthly and annual revenue goals for 1 year and 5 year
Your preferred timeline for achieving your strategic goals? *
Your Comments:
Call us on (858) 762-9004