Embracing Sustainability: Key Trends in Digital Marketing
Sustainability is the watchword in the 21st-century business world. Companies need to show they care about people, the environment, and the general welfare of the planet, and their marketing campaigns have to reflect that concern. That’s why there are a few trends you’ll see over and over again in sustainable digital marketing. The online marketing professionals from Saba SEO, one of the most innovative marketing companies in San Diego, offer a few insights into the current focus on sustainability in digital marketing.
Establishing Authenticity
Today’s consumers are savvy and somewhat skeptical. They want reassurance that they’re giving their hard-earned money to businesses with high ethical standards.
People have every right to be suspicious when a company hides information about the manufacturing process for its products. On the other hand, customers become more confident when businesses are more forthcoming. The company should be proud to reveal the location of its facilities, who works there, and the effect the facility has on the local environment.
Teaching Users How to Practice Sustainability
Sustainable marketing often entails teaching others. For example, your product packaging could include helpful hints about how to reuse the packing material.
It also helps to explain clearly to your users why your company is a good steward of the environment. Then give them tips to recognize the signs of good and bad practices other companies use.
Limiting Online Messages
The environmental impact of overusing email and social media isn’t readily apparent. In contrast, imagine if all your online messages were physical press releases. It would be easy to see how using paper, ink, and the mail service would be wasteful.
But digital communication appears harmless. Unfortunately, the computer infrastructure needed to support email and social media is a drain on finite resources. The responsible approach to sustainable digital marketing is to limit the use of online messaging.
Don’t use email and social media for unnecessary daily posts. Instead, use them only when the company needs to express messages that are genuinely important, useful, or urgent.
If you’re looking for a firm with specialized expertise in digital trends and online marketing, call on the experts at Saba SEO, a premier internet marketing service agency that has served businesses around the world for 20 years. Give one of our experienced marketing specialists a call today.