Best Practices for Promoting Your Brand on Social Media

Branding with Social Media

More and more San Diego internet marketers are recognizing that social media is becoming an important marketing channel for all companies to consider. Some businesses, particularly the smaller ones, are often faced with the challenge of limited budgets that cannot afford them the luxury of social media specialists. There are, however, a few things you can do to self-promote your brand.

Decide on your Platforms

Social media options seem to be growing by the day. Take the time to do some research to determine which platform will work best with your business model. Realize that you will not be able to work all of them effectively. Instead choose those that cater best to your brand and are used by the demographic you are targeting.

Provide a Service

Before you decide on how to share your brand, consider the needs of your audience. What type of information are they looking for? Use social media as a way of providing the knowledge they are seeking by sharing relevant information about your brand, encouraging conversations, answering questions, promoting your product or services, and offering solutions.

Foster Relationships

Much like the advice above, make sure your social media followers feel that you are there to meet their needs. Social media is more than brand promotion; it is about connecting with them on a personal level that fosters a lasting relationship. Be responsive. Hold contests and giveaways. Offer referral bonuses or special offers for preferred customers.

Catch their Eye

In today’s sound-bite world, it takes a little extra effort to capture the attention of your social media clients. Use photos, graphics, and illustrations that will catch their eye. Think about ways to convey useful information in easily illustrated ways such as infographics.

Brand promotion via social media does take some time and effort, but it doesn’t have to be an unreachable goal even for small businesses. For those businesses who aren’t interested in managing social media on their own, there are cost effective options for outsourcing such as Saba, Inc. We offer social media management in San Diego and also provide internet marketing services ranging from web design and development to SEO and PPC.

To request more information about how to increase your visibility in the online world, request a free website analysis and consultation or call us directly at 858-277-1717.