5 Things that Can Derail the Success of Your Mobile App
Mobile apps are easy to find these days. In fact, the Google Play Store debuts roughly 1,500 new apps every single day. However, only a small percentage of new consumer apps actually succeed. What’s behind the high failure rate for mobile applications? To give you an idea of what to look out for as you plan your own app, here’s a rundown of the top five reasons mobile apps fail, brought to you by the experienced professionals from Saba SEO, one of the top digital marketing companies San Diego businesses rely on for world-class innovation and expertise.
1. Not Fully Identifying the Target Audience
A mobile app is more likely to fail if the target audience isn’t clearly defined. Every app should have a specific focus for specific users. This is when audience research comes in handy. Before development begins, the following questions should be answered:
• Who will likely want to use the app?
• How is the intended user going to benefit from the app?
• What’s the main purpose for the app?
• What makes the app different from other apps targeting the same users?
2. Not Promoting the App Properly
Promotion is a big part of mobile app success. If a spiffy new mobile application is just placed in an app store, it’s not going to stand out from the crowd. The app has to be properly marketed and promoted, which typically involves:
• Using your existing website to showcase the app
• Putting out a press release to generate interest
• Using other available platforms, such as social media and even print efforts, to promote your app
3. Not Using the Right Platform
Android has nearly 75 percent of the global market for mobile device operating systems. Apple, or iOS, has the other 25 percent. You can always make your app available on both platforms. However, if budget is a concern, go with the one that’s going to appeal most to your target audience.
4. Not Focusing on User Experience
Many mobile apps fail because the user experience isn’t good. This is why it’s not so unusual for apps to be used once or twice and forgotten about. If you want your app to be regularly used and appreciated, keep the focus on the user experience by:
• Not overdoing it with features
• Keeping navigation easy
• Creating an appealing interface
5. Not Thoroughly Testing the App First
Another reason mobile apps fail is because of a failure to test the app properly and thoroughly before it fully launches. Just because an app is designed with the latest technology and all the new bells and whistles doesn’t mean it’s going to be one the intended users actually like. This is why mobile apps need to be fully tested first, which can involve:
• Conducting A/B testing of key features and designs
• Getting feedback from a smaller group of users first
• Making any appropriate adjustments based on initial feedback and then testing again
For expert advice on creating a successful mobile app for your business, reach out to the knowledgeable professionals at Saba SEO, a premier digital marketing, SEO, and web design company in San Diego. We’ve worked with businesses around the world to develop innovative, state-of-the-art apps, websites, PPC campaigns, SEO strategies, and mobile SEO designs. To get started on your mobile app, call one of our specialists today.