2024 Social Media Trends: How to Adapt Your Strategy for TikTok, Instagram, & Beyond

Each social media platform has its own quirks, so what’s likely to work on one platform may not be the best idea for another. In the past, people were able to copy their successes from Instagram to YouTube and from there to everywhere else. The problem is that users of individual platforms have strict expectations about what they want from individual services.

Keep in mind this is quickly changing, and it’s important to shake things up going into the new year. If you’ve been posting long-form content on YouTube, try the newer Shorts option. TikTok is expanding the length of videos to over 30 minutes in some cases, so you may want to explore the possibility of using beefier content there. You’ll also want to look at other sites you may not currently be on because one of the biggest trends right now is toward specialization. Keep reading as the experts from Saba SEO, specialists in social media and internet marketing San Diego businesses have relied on for more than 20 years, offer more details about how to adapt your marketing strategies to the latest trends in social media.

Exploring Alternative Networks

Federated social media services rely on open source software solutions, which make them highly attractive to technical organizations. Crafters should be on Flickr and Pinterest, posting both finished works and plans. Uploading public domain content to something like the Internet Archive or Wikimedia Commons could attract users who would otherwise never see your messages.

Consider each of the following for putting out different types of message:

  • Reorient your Facebook feed to focus on real customer experiences
  • Try GitHub Lab and Stack Overflow to connect with customers who need help
  • Save heavier hard news content for LinkedIn or Meetup
  • Create accounts for foreign services such as Xing, which are trending upward in the U.S.
  • Make videos and articles that are relevant enough to share everywhere

Depending on your market segment, you may want to focus on packages that can perform well on almost any service. Slick sales demonstrations might look anachronistic in the era of influencers and hype machines, but there are still B2B companies attracting a ton of good business with them.

For outstanding social media, internet marketing, and SEO services, San Diego businesses trust the experts from Saba SEO. We’ve been one of San Diego’s premier marketing firms for more than two decades because of our expertise and unparalleled service. We specialize in several areas, including social media management, SEO, SEM, web development, and web design. If you want to step up your social media marketing strategy, reach out to one of our experienced consultants today.