The Latest AdWords Feature You Don’t Want to Miss

Google Callout Extensions

If you’re a San Diego online marketer or business owner familiar with AdWords, you know the time it takes to create a successful ad campaign. In addition to tailoring your campaign and bidding strategy to ensure top placement of your ad above competitors, you must create engaging AdCopy that entices users to click on your ad.

Callout Extensions – Google’s Newest AdWords Feature

A new AdWords feature, callout extensions, may give businesses a competitive advantage when used correctly. Callout extensions are very similar to sitelinks, allowing the advertiser to add an extra line of text to ads in the form of short selling points. A few examples of callout extensions are:

  • All Orders Ship Free
  • Price Matching
  • Get a Free Quote Online
  • 60 Day Free Trial
  • 24/7 Customer Service
  • Serving San Diego County

Benefits of Callout Extensions for Advertisers

While callout extensions are similar to sitelinks in terms of verbiage and length, they do not have to link to a specific landing page. That said, you may be wondering, “If callout extensions don’t link anywhere, what’s the point?” Our experienced San Diego AdWords managers explain some of the top benefits of callout extensions in more detail below:

  • Increased Ad Space

    Callout extensions help advertisers gain the attention of prospective customers by increasing the actual size of the ad. When a callout extension is added, an extra line is added to the original AdCopy, thus making the ad larger than the ads of competitors who are not utilizing callout extensions. It makes sense that a prospective customer would be more inclined to click on the larger, more dominating ad.

  • More Targeted Ads

    You have the ability to decide exactly what you want your callout extensions to say. Whether it’s including a location specific callout such as “Serving All of San Diego County” or a callout that highlights your products like “Hurry, Limited Inventory”, you can create highly customized ads that appeal specifically to your target audience.

  • Additional Selling Points

    Callout extensions such as “100% satisfaction guarantee” and “free shipping” are great terms that advertisers have always wanted to include in their ads, however did not have enough space to include them. With callout extensions, you are still able to provide a brief description of your service, while adding additional selling points, which can increase click through rates and conversions.

With the potential to increase clicks, leads and sales, you’re probably ready to get started! Fortunately, just like sitelinks, you can add callout extensions on the account level. Simply login to your account, select four callout extensions that are a good match for all of your ads and apply them – a process that takes about five to ten minutes.

Interested in learning more tricks to enhance your online presence? Reach out to Saba, Inc. We are a full-service San Diego SEO company that specializes in organic ranking, pay-per-click advertisements, mobile app development and web design. Call us today at 858-277-1717 and schedule a free website audit or consultation!