How Do H1 Tags Affect SEO Success?
The H1 tag is the first header tag that appears on a page. It’s normally used for the title of a webpage or post, and it’s often considered an important tag. In fact, some sources even consider it to be one of the most important elements of on-page SEO. But just how essential are H1 tags for ranking? The San Diego SEO experts from Saba SEO dive into this topic to find out.
H1 Tags Can Offer Indirect Ranking Benefits
H1 tags alone don’t directly affect SEO. That being said, they can still be useful for ranking purposes because of their indirect benefits. For instance, a properly used H1 tag can clarify what your content is about for both real people and search engines. It’s not necessarily the strongest step you can take with your ranking efforts, but it can be helpful.
You Have to Use H1 Tags Correctly
When used properly, H1 tags can play a role in helping search engine crawlers understand what a particular piece of content is about. Proper use of an H1 tag typically means keeping the H1 title relevant to the page, making it short and to the point, and using a relevant keyword. The following H1 tag dos and don’ts can further boost your odds of enjoying indirect ranking benefits:
• Do make each H1 tag unique
• Don’t use H1 tags on some pages and skip them on others
• Do use H1 tags with other appropriate tags on the same page (e.g., H2/H3s for additional headers/subheads)
• Don’t stuff keywords into your H1s
Some content management systems automatically add H1 tags to your pages. This really isn’t a big deal if you’re structuring your titles correctly. You can also manually add H1s to your content fairly easily. The bottom line with H1 tags is that they aren’t absolutely essential, but they can be helpful when combined with the other steps you take to boost your ranking and online visibility.
For quality-assured search engine optimization services, businesses rely on Saba SEO. As one of the leading marketing companies in San Diego, we have fifteen years of experience in content creation, SEO, and PPC. We can help you increase your online visibility and create high-quality content that is sure to entice your target audience and rank well across all search engines. Give us a call at 858-277-1717 to find out how our experts can help you with your digital marketing needs.