Adapting Your Facebook Ads for Emerging Trends

How To Adapt Facebook Ad Strategy To New Trends in San Diego, CA


Online businesses are seeing a huge upswing, and Facebook Ads are a great way to target your core audience and make more sales. Customers are buying everything from traditional board games to healthy foods. Many people are buying at-home exercise gear and DIY tools for home repairs. How can you get in on this increased sales action? Here are some tips to adapt your Facebook Ad strategy to new trends, brought to you by the San Diego SEO and social media marketing experts from Saba SEO.

Make an Altruistic Offer

How are you going to appeal to customers? Right now, social conscience is coupled with shopping. People are more apt to fill their shopping carts and take out their credit cards to pay when they know they’re doing something to help the world. If your business regularly donates to organizations, you can include that in your offer. If you’re helping local schoolkids get nutritious lunches, include that. People want to support those who support others.

Look at Sales Figures

You can come up with a clever infographic or slogan that can get a million impressions on Twitter. But if those impressions don’t convert, what’s the point? Look at your ad campaigns and always make adjustments. Try two different ones for the same items. If one gets people to purchase your merchandise, then continue with that ad. If you’re not getting many results from either, look to the current trends to figure out why. You may have the right product for a different location. Target ads to specific locations and look at the data to help you find Facebook Ad success.

Be Flexible

A successful Facebook Ad strategy isn’t based on a single great advertising slogan or idea. It’s based on trial and error. You must always be ready to pivot ever so slightly. Tracking your actions and following the sales will lead you to success. 

If you want to create the most effective social media ads for your business, turn to Saba SEO, one of the leading marketing companies in San Diego. Our experts can analyze your target audience and help you create unique and effective social media posts that encourage engagement and conversion. We work tirelessly to increase your brand awareness, which will eventually lead to more customers and online revenue for your business. To learn about our comprehensive social media marketing plans, call us at 858-277-1717 today.