Content Marketing Statistics Every Business Should Know About
In today’s world, it’s a given that a content marketing strategy is no longer optimal for most businesses. However, an effective strategy involving content marketing is one that evolves and changes to reflect trends and embrace emerging technologies. Results from a recent report based on input from marketers around the world can give you a better idea of what content marketing stats you need to know about as you plan or fine-tune your own strategy. The trusted content marketing experts at Saba SEO, a leading provider of San Diego SEO services, share some interesting statistics related to content marketing.
Realizing the Power of Content Marketing
Approximately 70 percent of B2B content marketers surveyed believe their strategy is “much or somewhat more successful” than it was a year prior. This particular stat suggests more B2B marketers are seeing the power of effective content marketing firsthand and are allocating more time and resources to it. In fact, half of the respondents said they expected their content marketing budget to increase over the next year.
Content Marketing Commitment
A content marketing strategy is only going to be effective for businesses if there’s a strong commitment to making it work. Luckily, there are compelling stats suggesting more businesses are becoming aware of this fact. Illustrating this point is the fact that 93 percent of the most successful B2B content marketers say their business or organization is “extremely or very committed” to content marketing.
Lack of Documented Strategies
Approximately 65 percent of successful content marketers have a documented strategy in place. However, only 39 percent of all marketers surveyed were able to say the same thing. Part of the reason for this may be because some businesses prefer to discuss their strategies without formally writing them down to allow for some flexibility.
While it’s understandable to have this attitude with content marketing, there are some compelling benefits associated with having a documented strategy, including:
- Getting everyone on the same page quickly
- Avoiding redundancies with content preparation and distribution
- Minimizing the risk of having different marketing teams focused on different goals and objectives
Content Marketing Distribution Methods
As for how marketers prefer to present their content to the intended audience, 61 percent of B2B content marketers reported increasing their use of social media over the past year. What’s great about social media is the ability to tap into data to target messages to the right audience at the right time, and apparently more marketers are realizing this. Here are some additional stats related to content distribution:
- Approximately 66 percent of B2B content marketers distribute content with paid methods, suggesting more marketers know organic promotion alone isn’t enough. Most B2B marketers are using paid methods to attract a new audience, generate more traffic, reach a niche audience, and give new life to old content.
- Nearly 74 percent of B2B content marketers say they’ve developed or used long-form content within the past year, which seems to go against conventional wisdom that suggests content has to be short because of reduced attention spans. People tend to appreciate more detailed content as long as it’s relevant and well prepared, suggesting what’s included in content is more important than sticking to a strict word count limit.
There’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to content marketing. Still, there are some key takeaways from these stats you can apply to your own strategy. First of all, look at how well your current strategy is working. Also, consider your budget, your ability to adapt to new technology, your business’ maturity level, and your content marketing goals. Lastly, factor in your ability to track results and accurately measure your ROI. Roughly half of respondents say they measure ROI, but any business diving into content marketing should be doing this on a regular basis by focusing on clear goals and objectives.
If you’re looking for a trusted solution to your content marketing concerns, reach out to Saba SEO. We are a leading Internet marketing, SEO, and web design company. San Diego businesses and companies across the globe rely on us for good reason. To schedule an appointment with our SEO experts, please give us a call today at 858-277-1717.