5 Eye-Catching Headline Formulas for Shared Articles

Best Article Headline in San Diego, CA

If you’re producing great content as part of your online marketing strategy, but your articles are still not being shared, you might have an issue with your headlines. The fact is that your headline is the most important part of your blog post, ad, or content. Perhaps they’re not “punchy” enough, or just aren’t intriguing readers. Here are some ideas that will get your content the attention it deserves.

1. “Tips”

Tips are a common formula for headlines, and one that will attract more readers, because they know they’ll be in for short bits of information as opposed to a long-winded read. Here are a few examples:

10 Tips to Optimize Your Golf Game
6 Tips from the Pros about Carpentry
12 Tips to Improve Your Small Talk

2. “Mistakes”

Nobody wants to make mistakes–that’s why this is such a popular formula for headlines. For example:

5 Mistakes to Avoid When You Remodel
8 Common Mistakes Beginning Photographers Make
Selling Your Antiques Online? Don’t Make These 12 Mistakes

3. “How To”

This is a great formula if you’re trying to provide simple instructions to your readers. Some examples are:

How to Remove Dust from Your Home
How to Test Your Carbon Monoxide Detectors
How to Register to Vote

4. “Guides”

The Guide headline formula is very similar to the “how-to” lists, but it implies that you will provide more in-depth information for your readers. A few examples include:

Complete Guide to Brewing Your First Beer
The Definitive Guide to Golf Swings
The Ultimate Guide to Holiday Gift-Buying

5. “Data and Research”

If you’re producing content that is heavily fact- or research-based, this is a great headline formula to use to convey serious and informative content. For example:

Fascinating New Data About Workouts
6 Research-Driven Insights About Marketing
New Market Research About the Fast-Food Industry

Learn more about creating share-worthy articles from the marketing professionals at Saba, Inc., a trusted SEO company in San Diego. We help businesses large and small improve online visibility and increase traffic. Give us a call at (858) 277-1717 and request a free website audit today.