Hit by Google’s “Quality Update”?
If you are among the many people that strive for high search engine rankings in order to draw traffic to your website or an SEO in San Diego, you probably want to listen up. After a series of major website rank changes in the Google search engine, Google has announced that their system of assessing website quality has changed. This ‘quality update’ has caused many popular websites to fall in rank, while others moved to higher spots on search result lists.
The update to the search engine’s quality-assessment algorithm was not announced or even acknowledged by Google when it first came out, but Google has now confirmed that changes have occurred. According to the company, the recent update only affected the primary algorithm and not the filters such as Penguin or Panda. Despite this bit of information about the update, no one outside of Google knows exactly what has changed about the algorithm. Any information that Google has provided is a teaser at best.
Since nothing has been confirmed by Google, there are various theories surrounding the change in the quality-assessment algorithm. It is possible that open-source information sites such as WikiHow and HubPages are losing rankings due to questionably credible information, but there could also be other unknown factors at play. To complicate matters, some open-source information sites have gained rank while others have been demoted by several spots. In other words, most of the non-Google information about the ‘quality update’ from search engine marketers is purely speculative and may or may not be completely inaccurate.
If you were impacted by the ‘quality update’, do not panic. You will have plenty of opportunities to improve your website’s ranking in the future, but you should take Google’s advice of making your site more informative and unique from others. You can do this by posting rare information that cannot be found on many other sites. High-quality information will increase the value of your site and Google will reward you for this in the search engine.
Have other questions about how to recover from the Google quality update? Perhaps you’re interested in increasing your businesses online visibility. Whatever the reason, reach out to the professional San Diego online marketing experts at Saba, Inc. Call us at (858) 277-1717 and schedule a free consultation!