6 Ways to Freshen Up Old Content to Boost SEO

Tips to Freshen Up Old Content to Boost SEO in San Diego, CA

You don’t always have to start from scratch with content when your goal is to get more traffic through search engine optimization. With just a bit of tweaking, your existing content that’s still appealing to your target audience can also give you a much-appreciated SEO boost. The experts from Saba SEO, one of the premier marketing companies in San Diego, offer these six tips to consider as you work to grow SEO traffic by updating old content.

1. Fix Spelling/Grammar Errors

A good place to start updating your existing content is to correct any typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar errors. These seemingly minor distractions can be big annoyances for new searchers coming across your old content.

2. Update Facts & Figures

Give your old content a fresh spin by updating any stats, charts, and lists that are no longer as current or relevant as they once were. This is especially important if your content includes prominently displayed facts and figures.

3. Improve Accuracy & Relevance

Well-performing content is relevant and useful for the intended audience. However, old content that once hit the mark may no longer be as accurate and relevant as it was when it was first created. If this applies to your existing content, boost its accuracy and relevance by: 

• Answering questions that show up in current search queries about your topic(s)
• Deleting info that’s no longer useful
• Addressing topics your competitors have included in their own content 

4. Remove Irrelevant or Broken Links

If you have links that are broken or no longer from reliable sources, Google will push your content further down, which can cause your traffic to taper off. Periodically go back to your old content to check the quality and relevance of your links so you don’t lose any SEO power. Go even further and add newer, higher-quality links as replacements.

5. Add Compelling Relevant Images

As a general rule, it’s good to have an image after every 300–350 words or so in your content. If your older content has few or no images, update it by adding some images where it’s appropriate to do so.

6. Adjust Your Keywords

Keywords help searchers and search engines discover your content. However, keywords can become less impactful over time as search habits change. Check your older content to determine if the primary and supporting keywords you used are still performing well enough to maintain a steady traffic flow.

If you need help updating the content on your website, call on a San Diego web development company with more than fifteen years of experience in all aspects of search engine optimization and online marketing. Saba SEO offers cutting-edge SEO, PPC, web development, content marketing, and social media management services. Call us at 858-277-1717 to talk to one of our experienced professionals.