Proactive Crisis Management Strategies for Digital Marketing

Marketing challenges in the 21st century are exacerbated by social media. Because anyone with a smartphone can make a big impact on your reputation, both inside and outside your company, you need an effective plan for managing anything that can flare up into a crisis. The experts from Saba SEO, specialists in internet marketing San Diego businesses have relied on for more than 20 years, offer these crisis management tips for digital marketers.

Front-Load the Disaster

Set a careful plan in place to manage social media posts made by your own employees that relate to the company. A disgruntled former employee may be caught and removed by a vigilant social media manager, but current employees also need to be aware their actions on social media may negatively reflect on the business. Create a policy that clearly defines what is and isn’t allowed on company time and in reference to your organization.

Monitor Social Media

When someone is terminated, have a policy in place that bars or blocks them from posting on your Facebook page. Have a social media manager who monitors reviews and comments so you have the chance to respond to an unhappy client quickly.

Be Honest

If things go sideways with any aspect of your business, be honest about the situation and the plan you have to repair or address it. Your coffee shop may be out of lemon poppy seed muffins. Share the situation and the expected arrival date.

Provide Updates

If a crisis is ongoing, provide a daily update. Consider adding a countdown to your posted updates. There are many inconveniences that are blown up into crises because of a lack of updates. If you don’t want the gossipers to have more power than they already do, provide information on a schedule.

Digital marketing can become a tinderbox of information, much of it incorrect if social media is involved in the mix. Make sure you have a voice and that your message is steady.

If you need a comprehensive digital marketing plan, turn to Saba SEO, an internet marketing service agency you can trust. For more than two decades, we have offered customized, high-quality digital marketing services to a wide variety of industries. From search engine optimization to pay-per-click management, we offer a range of solutions to help our clients boost their online ranking and conversion ratio. Our experts stay up to date on the latest trends in digital marketing and offer quality-assured services. To learn about our internet marketing plans and packages, give us a call today.