How Schema Markup Enhances SEO & Increases Search Engine Visibility
At its core, schema consists of a set of tags web developers can add to their sites to get better representation from search engines. This is important from a San Diego SEO standpoint, but it’s also useful for users, since they’ll have a better picture of what your site actually looks like. Pages with good schema tags tend to have better click-through rates.
Online retailers use schema tags to showcase star ratings for any products that come up when people search for them by name. They can also post the number of reviews previous buyers posted on their sites. Clearly defined data structures have made it easy to add this kind of information to almost any page.
Creative developers usually add tags related to any of the following categories:
- Events and dates
- Site descriptions
- ISBN and other publication numbers
- Metadata about objects posted online
- Ratings for TV episodes or movies
Families often want to be certain their children only have access to age-appropriate content online, so some site administrators post restriction guidelines in their schema tags. Search engines will often latch on to these and display this data on their results pages.
Meta descriptions and other related tags have long been looked at as great places to include additional information about what users can expect to see when they visit your site. You can repurpose these areas for additional special information regarding the kind of material you plan to post.
For instance, broadcasters who put their terrestrial frequencies or channel numbers in schema tags can ensure local search engine users they’re looking at the right service. Events managers can do the same with the locations they’re currently focused on. Chances are you can think of countless other creative uses that can make your site stand out in the space you compete in.
Schema markups can be challenging for some people to use without the assistance of experienced SEO experts. If you’re looking to boost your local results with schema markup techniques, call on the SEO specialists at Saba SEO. As an industry-leading SEO company in San Diego, we have more than 20 years of experience in search engine optimization, website design and development, and social media marketing. To learn more about how we can help you enhance your SEO strategy, reach out to us today.