How to Use Social Media to Boost SEO
There are nearly 3 billion social media users worldwide. According to one estimate, more than half of them use info they find on social pages to make purchase decisions. Social media is also highly interactive, which means plenty of opportunities to increase brand visibility. San Diego social media marketing experts discuss a few reasons why you should use your social media platforms to boost your SEO results.
Publishing Social Content
Popular stories and articles published on social platforms encourage people to share and link back to that content. Facebook, in particular, presents several ways for businesses to publish full articles. Some social sites will take off no-follow tags if an article generates enough interest, which may produce more direct SEO links that can help with ranking.
Attracting High-Quality Followers
Search engines consider the quality of followers, not just the quantity. Attract high-quality followers by posting fresh, meaningful content. Social media posts that regularly present questions, spark conversations, or offer some type of incentive such as coupon codes or announcements of deals tend to attract more followers.
Making Social Content Searchable and Shareable
Visual platforms like Pinterest tend to encourage followers to share what they like with others. Facebook allows you to make your posts searchable. Take advantage of options like this by posting content that’s likely to be shared. Although video content is appealing to searchers, content that sparks some type of emotional response can be just as enticing.
Using Keywords in Posts/Captions
Keywords included in social content can attract attention from search bots and, more importantly, help boost the visibility of such content. Keywords can be strategically included in Facebook and Twitter posts, the titles used for boards on Pinterest, and video captions and titles on YouTube. Use the same set of keywords throughout your other online content to maintain consistency.
Social media will be more beneficial for SEO purposes if the right social platforms are used. As a reliable marketing firm, Saba SEO looks for signs of social engagement and can help you pick and choose platforms where your customers usually go. By harnessing the potential of social media, we can create an SEO strategy for your business that further boosts your online visibility. Call us at 858-951-1717 and let us take care of your social media and SEO needs.