3 SEO Strategies for Boosting Your Online Rankings

3 SEO Tips to Boost Your Search Rankings in San Diego, Ca

Having an effective SEO strategy goes a long way in boosting your website’s search engine ranking. Making some small changes to a website to help it reach more potential customers is fairly easy. Here are three SEO tips to boost your search rankings, brought to you by San Diego web design experts at Saba SEO.

1. Focus on Medium-Sized Keywords

Long-tail keywords aren’t as effective as they used to be. In the past, you could create a list of synonymous long-tail keywords and rank for each one. Now, almost all synonymous long-tail keywords deliver the same results.

Instead of worrying about long-tail keywords, focus your attention on medium-sized keywords. They’re more competitive and have higher search volumes than general or primary keywords.

2. Add Emotion to Your Title Tags

Emotional title tags usually have much higher click-through rates than vague, plain titles, and better click-through rates may boost your search rankings. CoSchedule has a headline analyzer that can give your titles an emotional score, and they found that a title with an emotional score of 40 usually gets twice as many shares than one with a score between 20 and 30.

To make your title tags more emotional, think about your audience and how you want to appeal to them. Instead of just stating what the article is about, consider adding some details that will catch their attention and make them want to hear more. You can also attract an audience by using impactful words and phrases like “best,” “fast,” and “scientifically proven.”

3. Keep Your Content Above the Fold

One way to improve your search rankings is to keep a low bounce rate. Once searchers visit your site, you want them to stay there. However, someone who wants a quick answer to a search query will “bounce out” if he or she doesn’t see your content right away.

When a user visits your site, the content should be above the fold. Your page header, title, and images shouldn’t take up the entire screen. Instead, let your introduction paragraph be clearly visible as soon as the page load, as it will help your site visitors easily find the information they need so they won’t immediately click away.

Search engine optimization can be a complicated and financially burdensome task. However, the experts at Saba SEO can make simplify the process and make your investment worth it. We are the leading providers of paid marketing, social media management, and SEO in San Diego. Our team relies on a variety of white hat tactics to boost your online ranking and increase your conversion rates, and we have a proven track record of success. For over ten years, we have designed comprehensive search engine optimization strategies for businesses all over the globe. If you need help optimizing your website, give us a call at 858-951-1717 today.