5 Tips for Generating High-Quality Ideas for Content


Content is still king in that it’s what inspires your online engagement. However, you’re not going to reap the many rewards that go along with awesome, consistent, and relevant content if you’re struggling to find inspiration. If you’re stuck in a content rut, follow these tips for getting better content ideas, offered by the experts from Saba SEO, a top-tier online marketing and SEO company in San Diego.

1. Look at Customer Questions

If you have a customer service chatbot, turn on email notifications. Doing so will give you access to all the questions asked and the responses given. Look for common questions and concerns that could serve as the basis for new content.

2. Repurpose Webinar Content

Webinars often include several participants and guest hosts or speakers who offer useful and original insights. The topics addressed can serve as the basis for related content. You can even check out webinars presented by third-party sources in your niche or industry for added inspiration.

3. Check Out Your Social Media Followers’ Pages

You can get some content ideas from what your followers are talking about on your own social media pages. Go even further and check out the pages of your more active followers. This will give you even more insight into such things as: 

• Other brands they’re interacting with
• Posts they’re sharing
• Interests they have that might be related to your products or services

You can also identify good content ideas by posting questions on your social pages. For instance, if you own a pizza shop, you might ask people what their favorite toppings are. You could then create related blogs or social posts highlighting the histories of popular pizza toppings.

4. “Spy” on Your Competitors

You never want to directly copy your competitors’ content—that’s a big Google no-no. What you can do, though, is see what topics your competitors are covering on their social media pages or websites or in their blog posts. You may discover topics you haven’t touched on yet.

5. Have Brainstorming Sessions

An old-school ay to get better content ideas is to brainstorm. Do this by asking people in your inner circle to suggest ideas based on topics relevant to your audience. You may be surprised at what kinds of ideas can be generated by randomly mentioning whatever comes to mind.
These are just some of the many ways to come up with better content ideas. Other possibilities include conducting interviews with influential people in your industry, exploring Google search suggestions for inspiration, using a topics generator tool, and updating older content.
If you need expert assistance with creating high-quality content that boosts your ranking, call on the experienced professionals at Saba SEO, a premier provider of digital marketing and SEO services San Diego businesses trust for expertise delivered with integrity. Our wide variety of services include search engine optimization, social media marketing, and website design and development. To optimize your content, call one of our online marketing specialists today at 858-277-1717.