You’re Doing Things Right, But Your Site Isn’t Ranking–Now What?
You’ve targeted the right keywords, created relevant, useful content, and improved your page load speed. You believe you’re doing everything right. But, despite your best efforts, your website isn’t ranking. If you can relate to this scenario, don’t give up. Consider adhering to the following creative tips from San Diego digital marketing pros.
1. Initiate Photo Contests
To improve your site’s ranking, ask your clients to take pictures of themselves while utilizing your service or product in an interesting way. Upload the pictures to your business’s Pinterest, Instagram, or other social media accounts in order to engage with current and potential clients. You can then find what other websites are using your pictures and request the company or person credits your website as the source of the images. This process will provide additional backlinks to your site.
2. Donate Money to Charities
Besides giving you the satisfaction of helping worthy organizations, donating money to charities might help you increase your website’s rank. Charities typically list their donors on their websites. Whenever you give money to an organization, request that your company’s name to be included on the charity’s website. Ensure the charity includes a link back to your business’s website as well.
3. Volunteer Your Time
If giving money to organizations isn’t an option, consider volunteering your time and services instead. For example, if you specialize in massage therapy, you might want to offer free massages to the hard workers at local charitable organizations. You might be surprised at how effectively performing simple acts of kindness can help you promote your company.
4. Hone Your Contact Us Page
Does your business’s website have a page containing accurate, easy to read, and detailed contact information? Google considers websites including adequate, contact information more trustworthy than websites devoid of contact details. Having a professionally designed contact page also tends to increase user participation on a website.
At this point, you might feel improving your website’s rank is an impossibility. Thankfully, by thinking outside the box you might be able to accomplish this monumental task. If you still need additional help improving your site rank, reach out to Saba SEO, a trusted SEO agency in San Diego. Give us a call today at (858) 277-1717 and ask about a free website audit!