Tips for Writing Blogs that Optimize SEO
Writing a blog post is a good first step, especially if you’ve put a lot of time, effort, and research into it. But you’re not done yet. There are some other steps you’ll want to cross off your blog post to-do list before you officially present your content to the world if you want to optimize it for search engines. The content marketing specialists from Saba SEO, a premier provider of San Diego SEO services, offer this handy blog post checklist to optimize your SEO for search engines.
Know Your Intended Audience
It’s surprisingly easy to get so wrapped up in creating a post that you don’t give much thought to who you actually want to read it. By clearly identifying your audience, you’ll be able to fine-tune your post to make it more relevant.
Do Your Keyword Research
Yes, you should write posts for real people, not search engines. However, you should also look for opportunities to naturally include relevant keywords and phrases. The Google Ads Keyword Planner is one of the many tools you can use to do keyword research.
Write an Attention-Grabbing Headline
No matter how awesome your blog post is, it’s not going to get much attention on search engines if the headline is vague. Create a short descriptive headline that makes it clear what your post is about.
Aim for 300+ Words
You should write as much as necessary to thoroughly cover your topic, and generally, your blogs should contain at least 300 words. Longer posts tend to be viewed as more reliable resources.
Add Supporting Images & Graphics
Not all blog posts require visuals, but it can be helpful to determine if at least one visual element can be included. Searchers naturally focus on visuals before reading text.
Give Proper Credit to Sources
It’s great to include your own unique insights in a blog post. However, if you do make references to facts, figures, and other information that doesn’t come directly from you, cite your references or sources. Doing so adds credibility to your post.
Check Readability
Finally, go back and read your post as if you were reading it for the first time. Pay attention to anything that could affect readability. Typically, a readable blog post is one with:
• Short paragraphs
• Descriptive subheaders
• Bulleted or numeric lists (when appropriate)
From researching keywords to creating engaging visuals, the team at Saba SEO offers premier blog writing services. As a respected San Diego SEO agency, we have more than 15 years of experience in writing customized, high-quality blogs for a wide variety of clients. If you need new and fully optimized blog posts for your business, get in touch with us at 858-277-1717 to find out about our SEO packages.