Tricks to Creating Evergreen Content

Tips for Creating Fresh Content

If you’ve been working to increase the search engine rank of your website, you may have heard of evergreen content. This term refers to the kind of web content that is timeless and will not lose its relevancy in the near future and can be very supportive of your search engine optimization efforts. By writing high-quality evergreen content, you can develop and maintain a consistent flow of traffic that may improve your website’s conversion rate. Before you can benefit from using evergreen content, though, you need to know how to create it.

Avoid Stats and News

While stats and news may have a place on your blog or website, forget about them when you are writing evergreen content. News stories and stats are frequently updated and become irrelevant over time, meaning your blog post will become irrelevant too.

Be Specific

Evergreen content doesn’t necessarily have to be the most shared or most liked content. Your evergreen content should be geared toward a very specific audience who will connect with whatever it is your offering. Analyze your key customer base and brainstorm timeless topics that will grab and hold their attention.

Go Seasonal 

Although using ambiguous dates in content is problematic (The restaurant opened last summer), using seasonal topics can keep your content at the top of search results year after year. Topics like holiday safety, DIY decorations, and gift ideas never go out of style.

Work Lists

Readers love a good list (you know you do). When written well and filled with valuable info, a list will stick with people because it’s easy to skim and makes for a very shareable piece of content across social media platforms.

Answer Questions 

Ultimately, this comes down to creating truly informative content. Think about specific questions people ask in, about, or relating to your industry. Then, create a relevant piece of content providing an insightful answer. Using Google’s suggested queries is a great place to start by adding what, why, or how to your search term.

Learn more about creating strong content or find help developing and managing a content marketing strategy by calling (858) 277-1717 and speaking with a marketing expert at Saba, Inc. We are a full-service San Diego internet marketing company with a content-is-king approach and commitment to helping our customers grow their business.