5 Tips to Get the Most of Your Mobile Marketing Efforts

Mobile Marketing in San Diego, CA

Mobile revenue is expected to reach 60 percent of the digital advertising market by the end of the decade. Here are five tips to making the most out of mobile marketing.

1. Encourage Click-to-Call Actions

More than half of smartphone searches for local businesses culminate with a phone call. On mobile websites, the call-to-action should invite visitors to either click or tap on an icon to be connected to a business representative.

2. Take Advantage of Device Continuity

With more operating systems offering smooth transitions and synchronization across device platforms, online brands should make sure that their marketing efforts are following prospects. This is something that can be accomplished with retargeting campaigns that can display ads when users switch from mobile to desktop devices and vice versa.

3. Be Truly Responsive

The mobile computing paradigm requires brands to feature mobile-friendly websites and landing pages. Many brands often choose platforms such as WordPress and themes advertised as being responsive, however, they fail to test the level of responsiveness when they add a new plugin or widget. Mobile-friendly websites should be thoroughly and constantly tested for browser compatibility across devices.

4. Mobile Email Campaign

The rise of cloud and mobile-ready services such as Office 365 means that more users are choosing to check their email from their smartphones. This is a great opportunity for email marketers who should always make sure campaigns are thoroughly optimized for mobile marketing on various mobile devices and properly tested before they are launched.

5. Call Extensions

Click-to-call features should not be limited to mobile websites. Since Google is the most dominant search engine among smartphone users, the company has wisely made it easier for advertisers to include phone numbers in AdWords campaigns, and the numbers are displayed along with an inviting and attractive icon.

If you need to make your website mobile-friendly, or are thinking of developing a mobile app for your business, reach out to Saba SEO in San Diego. With more than 10 years of SEO and internet marketing experience, we can ensure your site meets the standards outlined by Google and is optimized to rank in the SERPs. Call us today at (858) 277-1717 and ask for a free website audit!