Creating a Balanced, Effective Marketing Mix

Social Media for Business

It’s not all or nothing when it comes to marketing. Effective marketing is often a mix of both online efforts like social media engagement and PPC and traditional offline strategies. Creating a balanced, effective marketing mix is a task that involves weighing your available options and determining where to allocate your available resources.

Determine Your Weaknesses

It’s impossible to create a marketing mix if you don’t know where to focus your efforts. For instance, a good portion of your target audience may be aware of your brand but they’re hesitant to complete a transaction. Consequently, your weak point within the purchasing funnel is the point of making a decision.

Have a Method to Your Madness

Understand why you’re doing what you’re doing before investing in it. If, for instance, you’re re-targeting your ads to better reach your audience, are you trying to improve consideration and comparison against your competition or do you want to work on boosting conversions? Then ask yourself if your solution is really likely to accomplish that goal.

Weigh Resource Allocation Against ROI

Determine an initial mix of efforts like SEO, email, social media, paid searches, offline marketing, display ads, and other marketing resources. Periodically determine how much you’re getting back for your investment into each endeavor. You may find that, for instance, you’re investing too much in pay-per-click advertising and not enough in social media engagement. No marketing mix is set in stone, so don’t be afraid to shift your allocations.

Don’t forget about data tracking. Many businesses make the mistake of not putting enough time and effort into tracking results and diving deeper into available stats to get a better idea of what’s really working and what needs to be fine-tuned. Through careful observation and active engagement, you can find a marketing mix that’s right for you.

Saba SEO is a trusted online marketing company in San Diego that specializes in PPC, SEO, social media, and web design and development. Give us a call at (858) 277-1717 to learn more about our services or request a complimentary consultation.