5 Common SEM Mistakes to Watch Out For

SEM mistakes in San Diego, CA

Search engine marketing (SEM) is known to produce far more rapid results than even the most effective SEO campaign. Though SEM cannot take the place of diligent and ongoing SEO, it is definitely an effective supplement. However, small business owners who’ve opted to handle SEM on their own should take care to avoid these 5 costly mistakes that can undermine these efforts and cause unnecessary spending.

1. Designing Poor Landing Pages

Your landing pages should be clean, clear, and easy to navigate, and they should also be wholly in line with the needs of the people using the keywords you’re targeting. If web users cannot instantly find the information they’re looking for, you’ll be paying for wasted clicks.

2. Making It Difficult to Purchase a Product

Though getting a person to opt in to your email marketing campaign can be an additional benefit of a productive click, it should never be your foremost concern. Don’t make it difficult for people to complete their purchases. If buyers can’t get what they want without a ton of hassle, they may set out in search of more accommodating platforms. Install a “Buy Now” button on your website and give visitors the option of opting in on your checkout page.

3. Targeting the Wrong Keywords

There are many factors that must be considered when choosing keywords for your SEM campaigns, including per-click costs, relevance to targeted buyer personas, and the frequency at which these search terms are being used. If you don’t have the right skills or resources for doing effective keyword research on your own, think about outsourcing these efforts to a professional San Diego SEO agency. Targeting the wrong keywords can leave you paying for clicks that don’t result in sales, which will eventually exhaust your marketing budget.

4. Overlooking the Need for Mobile-Friendly Landing Pages

Make sure your landing pages are mobile-friendly. If they aren’t, more than half of the site visitors from your SEM campaigns will bounce right back to the search results. A mobile-friendly landing page will have limited text, plenty of high-quality images, and an intuitive and easy-to-navigate layout. Make sure to hire a trusted San Diego web development company to create mobile-friendly landing pages for your site.

5. Not Tracking Campaign Results

Failing to track SEM campaigns is the top cause of excess spending, and it also eliminates the ability to streamline campaigns for better results in the future. Once your campaign is live and active, start checking analytics regularly and begin tweaking these efforts for increasingly better returns.

Saba SEO is here to help your company avoid making these and other common SEM mistakes. Get in touch with us at 858-951-1717, and we can help you come up with a strong and effective SEM campaign. We hope to hear from you soon.