SEO Features to Consider when You Design Landing Pages

Landing Page Design Checklist For SEO in San Diego, CA

A landing page could be a homepage. More often than not, however, such pages tend to be created for a specific purpose, such as being the target destination for people who click on PPC ads. Regardless of why you’re creating a landing page, it’s important to pay attention to SEO when you’re designing it. Below, the experts from Saba SEO, a premier digital marketing firm with particular expertise in SEO and San Diego web design, present a checklist to help you out.

Have an SEO-Friendly URL

Depending on how you create and design your landing page, you may end up with a default URL that’s fairly generic, as is often the case with template-based platforms like WordPress. If this is the case, change it to one that’s SEO friendly by making it descriptive of the page’s purpose.

Make Your Landing Page Secure

Google considers whether or not a site has an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate to allow for encryption of data. This can be especially beneficial if your landing page will be one that allows visitors to make purchases or enter personal information.

Minimize Distractions

A landing page with a specific purpose that differs from serving as a homepage should be designed to keep visitors focused. Keep distractions, such as links to other pages, to a minimum. This helps with SEO by boosting your conversion rates and keeping bounce rates lower.

Pick Your Keywords Wisely

Because landing pages typically have specific purposes, choose keywords that best reflect your landing page’s reason for existing. Keyword research and optimization for landing pages are usually more productive if they involve:

• Results from keyword tools to see what terms searchers are using to find the products/services referenced on the page
• An analysis of keywords your competitors may be using for similar landing pages
• Matching your landing page keywords to ones used in your paid ads if your landing pages will be associated with PPC campaigns
• Using your main landing page keywords in the meta description for the page
• Selecting negative keywords so your page is only displayed on relevant search engine results pages

Lastly, have a user-friendly landing page design, since this appeals to both searchers and search engines. This part of the checklist includes things like clear and easy-to-use navigation features, an uncluttered appearance, and content that’s easy to digest, with the right mix of clear, compelling headlines, text, and images as well as an effective call to action.

If you need help improving your web design, reach out to the experts at Saba SEO, one of the most experienced San Diego marketing companies in the industry. Our team of specialists can help you with marketing campaigns, social media management, web development, search engine optimization, and much more. To find out more about our high-quality web design services, give us a call today.