6 Mistakes Emerging Brands Make That Affect Their SEO

SEO Mistakes Emerging Brands Make in San Diego, CA

Most emerging brands want to attract plenty of attention from searchers and enjoy a steady stream of conversions. However, it takes a lot of work to maximize the return on online marketing investment and increase search engine rankings. The specialists at Saba SEO, a leading SEO company in San Diego, discuss some of the most common mistakes that affect the online visibility of emerging brands.

1. Putting No Effort into Keyword Planning

Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner can be used to find the specific terms people are using to find your products and services. The information can be used to come up with an effective keyword list. On a related note, keywords tend to work better if they’re “localized” since most online searches have local intent. A common mistake brands make with keywords is being too broad. For instance, the keyword “car dealership” is going to have much more competition online than “Miami used car dealership.”

2. Separating SEO from Overall Marketing Strategy

Some newer brands fail to align their SEO efforts with their overall marketing strategy, which can result in mixed and inconsistent messaging. If this is the impression visitors get from your website, blog, or social sites, they’re less likely to remain engaged or take the desired actions. Alignment with a larger strategy can also result in:

• Content that’s easier to promote across multiple platforms
• Increased brand recognition
• An improved user experience

3. Avoiding Content Best Practices

SEO is more than just working keywords into content. Google’s search engine bots are now capable of determining how well the content aligns with what searchers expect. For SEO purposes, content best practices include:

• Consistently presenting fresh, relevant content
• Eliminating duplicate content
• Strategically using keywords where they’re likely to have the most impact (e.g. titles, subheads, alt text for images, meta descriptions)
• Checking the quality of links and removing spammy links in comments sections

4. Ignoring the Importance of Content Distribution

Many emerging brands mistakenly believe that SEO will automatically produce the desired results as long as the website, blogs, and social media pages are well-optimized. Because of all of the competition online, SEO needs to be coupled with an effective content distribution strategy that attracts the right kind of attention. A few ways to accomplish this goal include:

• Guest blogging to add some credibility to your brand
• Sharing content with online influencers within your niche/industry
• Using your customer data to build an effective email mailing list to promote your content, distribute segmented content based on customer interests, and provide supplemental content like email newsletters

5. Saving Social Media for Later

Websites shouldn’t exist in a vacuum. Search engines use social signals to determine how searchers are interacting with various brands. If social media interaction is an afterthought, your website may not attract too much attention. Social media interaction can improve SEO results by:

• Giving access to instant feedback to see what matters most to your customers
• Providing added incentives for social followers to visit your website by announcing new product additions or upcoming sales and promotions
• Increasing customer satisfaction and brand reputation with faster responses to customer questions

6. Failing to Keep Up with SEO Trends/Changes

The biggest mistake some emerging brands make is to assume SEO is a one-time investment. Search engine optimization is always changing and evolving. Over the past few years, Google has been focusing on how websites appear on mobile devices, and voice-activated searches have increased the use of more conversational keywords. You can increase your brand visibility by paying attention to SEO trends and updates.

Many variables impact SEO, so there’s no guarantee an emerging brand won’t make some mistakes when investing in search engine optimization. If you happen to be an emerging brand, seek professional input and keep track of the results you’re seeing as you present fresh, relevant content to your intended audience.

If you’re in need of high-quality SEO services, turn to Saba SEO. We are a leading San Diego SEO company with over ten years of experience in search engine optimization and an A+ rating on BBB. We work with both small businesses and large enterprises all over the world and offer customized digital marketing solutions with an affordable price tag. Our team can help you boost your online ranking, increase your website traffic, and generate more online revenue. To learn about our quality-assured services, give us a call at 858-951-1717 today.