Writing for Users Rather than Search Engines – A Recipe for SEO Success
Over recent years, Google has made great strides in order to improve its search engine process and functionality. One of those monumental strides includes its new-found emphasis on informative, relative and engaging content. In simple terms, this means that Google now ranks websites based on how useful they are rather than how many keywords they’re stuffed with.
While this has been a positive change toward weeding out spam and useless information, it’s also sent many website owners scrambling for ideas on how to keep their websites above water despite the new algorithm. The following three tips, presented by the trusted San Diego SEO company, Saba Inc., are the foundation for how to craft compelling, user-friendly content:
Provide value
Luckily, Google has released a detailed guide on creating useful content that performs well in search engines. Most importantly, you should provide value to your readers. If you have an idea for a writing topic, take a moment to research what others have written about it. Take the existing content and build on it to offer your readers information they can’t find anywhere else on the web.
Establish yourself as an authority in your field
If users don’t trust you, they aren’t going to stick around. Show your readers that you have a firm grasp on your niche and on the products and services you provide. You can do this by putting yourself in the shoes of your prospective customer and brainstorming what they are looking for and what they might ask. Make sure that your answers to these questions are detailed, and demonstrate your extensive knowledge of your field. Provide insider tips and first-hand examples and experiences for even more power. You want users to not only trust you, but return to you in the future for more information and advice.
Build content around things you’re interested in
If you aren’t interested in what you’re selling, it will likely show to your customers through your boring, monotonous content. Studies show that content written with care and interest are often much better received by internet users than content that’s merely churned out because it is able to create an emotional connection with the reader. Keep this in mind as you develop content for your website.
Lastly, know exactly what goes into creating engaging content. The content team here at Saba, Inc. recommends taking things a little deeper by examining the psychology behind successful and useful content. You must engage your readers on a subtle, emotional level by addressing them directly with “you,” using active language, and building trust very quickly.
Looking for more internet marketing tips? Reach out to Saba, Inc. at 858-277-1717 and schedule a complimentary website audit and consultation with one of our expert SEO analysts today – we would love to help you increase your traffic and website exposure!