Top 5 Things People Forget About Local SEO
Right now, Local SEO is the hot topic in internet marketing. As more consumers have mobile access to the internet and seek out the professional products and services that they need on the go, the market for local search is bigger than ever. In order to help you better understand local search and effective search engine optimization, here are some things to keep in mind.
1. Consistent, Accurate Listings
You need to ensure that you are listed in the right directories, not just any directory. Also, be sure your company information, contact details, and other provided information is uniform across various listing directories. If your basic contact information is different on each directory, you’re hurting your SEO efforts and losing valuable exposure. Plus, having incorrect or missing information just looks unprofessional.
2. Maximize Information
You need to fill in as much of the directory listing as possible with optimized content, local keywords, and other useful information. Every listing is different, and not every directory will require the same information. Make sure you utilize each directory to the fullest extent to help build brand exposure.
3. Social Media Marketing
You need fully implemented social media accounts. If you have to outsource to a San Diego SEM company, that’s fine. Just make sure that you are actually creating effective social media accounts and have a solid social marketing strategy in place. You can’t just put up a Facebook business page and walk away. You need to maintain an active social media presence at all times, and on the right channels to reach your targeted local audience.
4. A Space for Customers to Leave Reviews
Having reviews from other customers or colleagues can help your credibility with local customers. People like firsthand insight about a business, so the more reviews you have, the better.
5. Get Hyperlocal
Neighborhood search is still evolving, as Google can’t quite figure out how to incorporate neighborhoods and areas that locals might know, but that aren’t relevant to the rest of the world. Feel free to start integrating local keywords and neighborhoods into your website content, blogs, and other content to optimize for hyperlocal search once it becomes a full-fledged tool. Even if Google doesn’t know that Bird Rock is an area in San Diego, your audience probably does. Capitalize on that.
Want to know more about optimizing your site for local visibility? Reach out to Saba, Inc. and schedule a complimentary website audit and consultation with one of our online marketing experts. Call us today at (858) 277-1717. We look forward to hearing from you!