How to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Business

LinkedIn for Businesses

Promoting your business on LinkedIn will help you reinforce your brand, grow your potential client base, and increase sales. Our San Diego social media managers recommend that businesses take the time to create quality content and to establish relevant contacts to ensure your community grows alongside your conversions.

Create a Company Page

Creating a company page will allow you to be more accessible to your customers, potential business partners, and even investors if you are looking to expand your business on a larger scale. It is essential that you create a quality page that is attractive and that explains your business exactly as it is. You can also use this page as a recruiting source for new hires.

Build Your Network

Many internet marketers in San Diego will say that building your LinkedIn network is an essential part of gaining online exposure. You will see some people on LinkedIn with thousands of connections, but keep in mind, this is not always the best approach. Rather than reach out to large numbers of people, connect and engage with professionals who are in your industry and can provide you with potential business opportunities. This can help you make the most out of your time and efforts on LinkedIn.

Create Referral Partnerships

As a business owner, you know how difficult it can be to set up face-to-face time with a busy executive; emails are often unreturned and receptionists can’t always be trusted to pass a message along. LinkedIn allows you to connect directly with professionals that share your vision and can give you the opportunity to have a conversation at a time that’s most convenient for them.

Post Valuable Information

Posting valuable information will also help drive people to your company LinkedIn page and company website. If you are providing your network and community with information they deem valuable and helpful, they are far more likely to respond to call-to-actions which can include checking out a new product or sharing a blog with their own connections. Information posted should also be relevant to your business and the interests of your demographics.

Promoting your business on LinkedIn is as simple as being mindful and diligent about the connections and posts you make. As long as you take these steps, your long-term growth potential is infinite. For more information about LinkedIn for business or to learn how to increase your online visibility, reach out to Saba, Inc. We provide social media, PPC, and SEO San Diego businesses trust, and are also a premier marketing agency for companies throughout the United States and Canada.  Call us today at (858) 277-1717 and request more information about our services or schedule a free website audit today.