The Future of Social Media: Using Platforms as Search Engines to Drive Discovery
In today’s digital landscape, social media platforms have evolved far beyond their original purpose of connecting friends and family. They now function as powerful search engines, enabling users to discover new products, services, and brands. As businesses increasingly adopt social media marketing activities (SMMAs) and partner with influencers to promote their offerings, they unlock new avenues for engagement, brand awareness, and customer satisfaction. In this blog, the experts from Saba SEO, specialists in social media and internet marketing San Diego businesses have relied on for more than 20 years, explore how social media is reshaping the way people search, engage with content, and drive meaningful conversations that support business growth.
What Modern Consumers Want from Marketing
People like influencers, and research indicates companies that focus on both SMMAs and influencer testimonials reap the rewards of insightful marketing and advertising. In the 21st century, people generally want four things from any advertising directed at them:
- Personalized content
- Conversational content
- Content that creates value
- Video content that doesn’t waste their time
These items should be tailored to the demographic you want to market your products and/or services to. “Don’t sell refrigerators to Inuit people” applies in all instances, no matter how good your video content is.
Case Study: SMMA Effectiveness in Pakistan
One study looked at self-administered questionnaires completed by 353 people in Pakistan. The marketing content observed appeared on both Facebook and Instagram, and the indications were that SMMAs were highly effective in driving positive reactions to the featured products and services that were part of the study.
Further, SMMAs were equally effective when it came to the respondents interacting with the brand messaging of each company whose marketing was part of the study. The study also showed that people who liked the same products were able to communicate with each other about the positive aspects of the products in question, forming groups that could promote brand awareness simply through their online conversations about them.
The Importance of Diversifying Marketing Efforts
In fact, the power of SMMAs is such that they alone could support a company’s brand, which is astounding in a world that relied on keywords and static photos as recently as two years ago. Still, wise companies diversify their marketing practices to reach as many different customers within their target demographics as possible.
Social media is part of nearly everyone’s daily interactions. Meaningful personalized content posted to these platforms will build a company’s brand awareness and drive not only sales but also satisfaction among the members of their target audience.
For outstanding social media, internet marketing, and SEO services, San Diego businesses trust the experts from Saba SEO. We’ve been one of San Diego’s premier marketing firms for more than two decades because of our expertise and unparalleled service. We specialize in several areas, including social media management, SEO, SEM, web development, and web design. If you want to step up your social media marketing strategy, reach out to one of our experienced consultants today.