Learning About Keyword Mapping? Visualize Your Keyword Research

Learning About Keyword Mapping in San Diego, CA

Keywords are certainly nothing new. They’ve been a part of SEO in one form or another since the ’90s. What’s different today is the strategies that go into selecting and researching these target terms. One of these strategies is keyword mapping. Here’s what you need to know about keyword mapping, brought to you by the experts at Saba SEO, a top-tier SEO company San Diego businesses trust for high-quality service and unparalleled digital marketing expertise.

What Exactly Is Keyword Mapping?

In a nutshell, keyword mapping is a way of organizing your keywords based on the structure of your website. It’s an on-page optimization process that gives search engines a better idea of what’s included on your various pages so they can present your information to the right searchers. When based on thorough research, keyword mapping has the potential to help you:

  • Know where to optimize
  • Get a better feel for what kind of content to create
  • Figure out where to add new pages to boost your traffic flow

How Do You Visualize Your Research?

You visualize your research for keyword mapping by taking your keywords and grouping them together in a sensible way, which then helps you clearly see where you can use each grouping. As for how you get started, make a broad list of keywords. Go beyond what you’re already using and think about terms that are relevant to your website’s content and what your target audience is searching for. You’ll then take the following steps:

  • Group your keywords – Create keyword “buckets” based on terms that answer specific questions. For example, you might put all keywords together that refer to your prices or rates.
  • Create potential URLs – Use your keyword buckets to determine if the URLs for your various pages reflect those keywords and the content on those pages. If you have existing URLs that are a bit off the mark, you can always make adjustments later.
  • Brainstorm content – Use your keyword mapping results to fine-tune the themes of your various webpages. You can also use your keyword groupings as inspiration for related blog or social media content.

Lastly, realize keyword mapping isn’t something you just do once and forget about. Get into the habit of revisiting your keyword mapping efforts to see how well everything is performing based on the stats you’re tracking related to your various keywords. You’ll then be able to make appropriate adjustments proactively rather than reactively.

Whether you need help creating an effective keyword map or you’re looking for a top-tier professional firm to create high-quality SEO campaigns for your business, call on the experts from Saba SEO. We’ve been a premier provider of San Diego SEO services for fifteen years. Reach out to one of our specialists today at 858-277-1717.