2019’s Major Ranking Factors for Search Engine Optimization

Ranking Factors for SEO in 2019 in San Diego, CA

SEO (search engine optimization) has dramatically changed over the years. Gone are the days of minimal content and shady backlinks. In its quest to create the ultimate knowledge base, Google now ranks sites that demonstrate professionalism and expertise. Your site can rank by keeping up to date with Google’s latest SEO best practices. Here are the top SEO ranking factors in 2019, brought to you by the experienced professionals from Saba SEO, one of the top digital marketing and SEO companies San Diego businesses rely on for outstanding expertise and high-quality service.

Mobile First

More than 50 percent of all searches are performed on mobile devices, which means your site’s mobile user experience (UX) needs to be top-notch. Make sure your site has been updated to responsive design, as this enables your site to automatically adjust to the size of the mobile device. When updating your web design, check the font size and ease of menu use. Customers should be able to easily tap a menu or buy button. Speed and reducing latency are also key to the ultimate UX. Make sure to not post ads that take over the device’s entire screen.


Keywords aren’t new to anyone familiar with SEO, but they’re always changing. With the emergence of home devices like Alexa, keywords need to include natural voice searches. 

Local SEO

More than half of Google searches are for local businesses, and they’re made on mobile devices. Filling out the free Google My Business online form is your first step. If your business has more than one location, fill out a separate Google My Business form for each location. Make sure to include all your website and social media information and write a short blog post describing your business. 

Answer Questions in Titles & FAQs

Answer boxes are now ranked high on Google. How does your site rank for these? Pose important questions in your site’s heading titles and include the expert answers in the paragraphs below them. Also include an FAQ page with questions and answers. If you’re not sure where to get these questions, check your social media and blog comments.

Optimizing your website for SEO ranking factors is one of the smartest things you can do in today’s online-centered marketplace. If you need help understanding ranking factors, call on the SEO and digital marketing experts from Saba SEO, a premier provider of Internet marketing service San Diego companies have relied on for sixteen years. Call one of our SEO specialists today at 858-277-1717.