Why It’s Important for Your Website to Be Mobile-Friendly
Mobile-friendly isn’t just a suggestion when it comes to what’s expected from websites today—by both Google and searchers. Besides, most of the searching that takes place online is done with mobile devices. This is a big part of why Google now has a preference for websites designed for smaller screens. Experts at Saba SEO, a leading San Diego web design company, discuss the top reasons a mobile-friendly website is important.
It Helps with SEO
Google prioritizes sites with a mobile-friendly touch for ranking purposes. This means a site that’s not designed for optimal viewing and use on smaller screens can contribute to reduced online visibility. A common way to keep both desktop and mobile visitors happy is to use a responsive website design, which adjusts the site to screen size.
It’s a Good Way to Encourage Engagement
Whether devices are used at home or on the go, a poor user experience with a website that’s not mobile-friendly can mean higher bounce rates, fewer conversions, and a poor brand reputation. Conversely, if your site provides a good mobile experience, visitors are more likely to stick around and take the desired action. In fact, nearly 75 percent of searchers are more likely to return to a website that’s mobile-friendly. Part of the reason for this is because mobile-friendly sites make it easier to do several things on smaller screens, including:
• Viewing product images
• Watching video content
• Getting around the site
• Using convenient tap features to complete purchases or call
It Keeps Your Business Competitive
Your competitors may have sites that appeal to mobile device users. If your target audience can’t easily navigate and view your website on smaller screens, they’ll likely check out your competitors’ sites instead. With a mobile-friendly design, you’ll be able to stay competitive.
It doesn’t take a lot of effort to make a website more mobile-friendly with some professional assistance. You can also take smaller steps to make your site more appealing to handheld device users, such as correctly sizing images, keeping important text higher up on various pages, and avoiding clutter to make it easier to scroll, click, or tap with finger motions.
If your business needs a mobile-friendly website, trust the experts at Saba SEO. As one of the leading marketing companies in San Diego, we can create a responsive website with unique content that’s sure to appeal to your target audience. We also offer paid marketing, social media management, and search engine optimization services to help you acquire more leads and stay ahead of your competitors. To learn about our customized digital marketing plans, give us a call today.